• 4 Important Conditions Of Bail Bond That Every Arrested Individual And Co-Signer Must Understand

    Some individuals who get arrested get bail. The amount of the bail is set forth by a judge. Individuals facing the exact same charges could have different bail amounts. This is because judges look at a variety of factors when they set bail amounts. These might include but are not limited to an individual's prior criminal history and whether they are a flight risk.   It can be difficult for the average individual to pay their bail amount in cash. [Read More]

  • A Checking Account For Your Teen

    Encouraging your teen to open a checking account will support responsible spending practices. Your loved one will be establishing their payment history, plus will be learning valuable budgeting skills.  Independence And Accountability Having access to a checking account will provide your child with a sense of independence. They will learn to be accountable for each check that they fill out to pay for their car insurance, clothing, school essentials, and other incidentals that they are responsible for paying for with their earnings. [Read More]

  • 5 Ways To Use Certificates Of Deposit To Fund Retirement

    Withdrawing and using retirement funds for day-to-day living is a delicate balancing act between growth and stability. One tool that can make this easier is a certificate of deposit (CD). Here are a few ways to use CDs to fund both the present and the future.  1. Use a CD Ladder. A CD ladder is an investment method that provides a steady flow of available funds at regular intervals. To create your own, get a series of CDs in increasing lengths — such as 90 days, 120 days, one year, two years, etc. [Read More]